I see my students working weekly through open-ended questions that require higher-order cognitive skills.
Over time, workers move up what we call a "hierarchy of human talents" - they find jobs that demand higher-order skills and offer better pay and working conditions.
They don't say much about higher-order skills like inferential reasoning or problem-solving.
The higher-order skills involve watching the group and its individuals in light of group dynamics.
In accordance with the simple view of writing, both lower-order and higher-order skills are required.
The additional assessment is a sensible and welcome attempt to differentiate students' performance by assessing higher-order skills.
He argued then, as now, that students have to master higher-order basic skills to function in an increasingly technological society.
'The Schools Will Deliver' "Everyone is talking now about higher-order skills, higher standards," he said.
Discerning a main idea is a "higher-order skill."
Moreover, the program designers carefully sequenced the instruction so that students do not progress to higher-order skills unless they have mastered prerequisite basic skills.