Nor did he develop the lucrative licenses for shoes, jeans and fragrances, or a cheaper secondary collection that can lead to a high-volume business.
Most important, their high-volume business enabled them to offer better prices than the independents.
As with any high-volume business, a few dollars a month from many customers can quickly turn into a small fortune.
Some lawyers do such high-volume business that it raises questions about how much attention they can give to individual cases.
Competing in a low-cost, high-volume business has made Mabuchi a pace setter.
But tobacco industry representatives said Target was simply handing a high-volume business to its major competitors.
All these adjustments, which in a high-volume business can mean millions of dollars in extra revenue, would come before other prices increases.
"But it's a high-impact, high-volume business that is completely out of character with the neighborhood."
He has become an eBay gold power seller, a prestigious rank among merchants who do high-volume business and get overwhelmingly positive feedback from customers.
While some standardized contracts are traded on exchanges, many banks and brokerage firms have turned customized derivatives into a high-volume business.