"These are high-value jobs in areas like in new media, which will pay higher rents," he said.
"We need to do a better job of creating high-value jobs, which is analogous with high tech."
The Patent Box will encourage companies to locate the high-value jobs and activity associated with the development, manufacture and exploitation of patents in the UK.
These changes would dramatically accelerate America's competitive development, help us lead the world in productivity, and create high-value jobs.
Supported and mentored by a network of 2,500+ local and global business leaders, these entrepreneurs have created over 200,000 high-value jobs and in 2011, generated $5 billion in revenues.
The building of the International Financial Services Centre in Dublin led to the creation of 14,000 high-value jobs in the accounting, legal and financial management sectors.
According to the story, "with the trans-Atlantic shift in R&D goes many high-value jobs, as well as a greater share of the industry's profits."
After she confesses as much to Peggy, Peggy scolds her for taking a spot at a high-value job in the agency.
For those at the forefront of delivering a low-carbon economy, these opportunities will come from developing high-value jobs, greater energy efficiency, and secure, affordable energy supplies.
Furthermore, we have seen that the commercialization of advanced technologies, particularly through small start-up ventures, has been one of our most effective vehicles for creating new, high-value jobs.