Fabrics designed for offices, hotels and other high-traffic sites are moving into homes and vice versa.
The initial 10 signs are to be placed in high-traffic sites like Cromwell Road and will display continuously changing messages from six companies, each lasting five seconds.
Indeed, it is doubtful that many successful, high-traffic sites will want to give up well-known .
However, its queue processing performance is comparatively poor when queues are large (which happens rarely on typical low-traffic sites, but can happen regularly on high-traffic sites).
They were good businesses and clustered near high-traffic sites.
Somewhere there's some high-traffic site or facility which is saying, you know, use ShieldsUP!
Most of the stores are located in very convenient high-traffic sites with large parking lots.
This works well in low- to medium-traffic sites, but does not scale well when used on a high-traffic site.
Adobe developed RTMPE as a lighter weight alternative, to make it more practical for high-traffic sites to serve encrypted content.
STEVE: Yes, or exactly, changing configuration of standard high-traffic sites and site experiences, behind your back or without your knowledge.