Their concern is directed mostly at six countries whose modern, high-tech factories turn out products often competitive with ours.
Each program involves two robots, Edie and Charon, who work on an assembly line in a high-tech factory.
Without it, many of our rank-and-file workers would probably be sitting under coconut trees to escape from the heat and humidity, instead of working in high-tech factories.
PCC Airfoils is one of two high-tech factories that have opened here in the last year.
And with each stroke, she came a little closer to a secure, good-paying job in a high-tech factory of the future.
Alternatively, they can be the product of low-tech cottage industry or can be mass-produced in high-tech factories.
It also has a thirst for energy for its high-tech factories, offices and homes.
Not long ago, it encouraged the belief that multiplying high-tech factories would compensate for our lost smokestack industry.
The push to make an investment pay off is why Stanley's overseas expansions are usually acquisitions - a less expensive procedure than building a high-tech factory.
The place could easily be some high-tech factory anywhere in the world.