For years, the Chinese military has been writing about how to cripple a superpower that relies on high-tech capabilities like satellites.
"They talk more about peace and diplomacy, but the push to develop lethal, high-tech capabilities has not slowed down at all."
"Our polling shows that Americans applaud our research and stand in awe of our high-tech capabilities," Mr. Holmer said.
The Secretary then describes the high-tech capabilities of the Tigershark.
"We're about to turn the corner from the blunt-impact munitions to more high-tech, advanced directed-energy capabilities," she told me.
"You don't know what the Chinese will do with the stuff once they get the high-tech capabilities."
They look like ordinary suits or jackets but have high-tech capabilities.
Heads of State and Government also gave direction to develop a package of high-tech capabilities to protect civilians and forces from terrorist attacks.
Saddam Hussein must quit Kuwait, and his high-tech military capability must be demolished.
As Europeans, with high-tech capabilities and with so much already coordinated, we were, in fact, helpless when it came to dealing with this disaster and finding solutions to it.