His partner in a high-stake game at the Regency Club, 15 East 67th Street, Manhattan, was Jack Dreyfus, a name to conjure with in financial circles.
LEAD: THREE decades ago one of the rubber bridge strongholds in Manhattan was the Bridge House, where the high-stake game had a simple rule: No women.
For the first rubber she sat North, facing the late Fred THREE decades ago one of the rubber bridge strongholds in Manhattan was the Bridge House, where the high-stake game had a simple rule: No women.
Class III gambling has high jackpots and high-stake games such as casinos, jai alai, and racetracks, and states feared that organized crime would infiltrate the Class III gaming on their reservations.
He did in every high-stake game I ever heard of.
This was a high-stake game, as Parliament could as a counter-measure decide to not built the line to Grong.
An example is the diagramed deal from a high-stake social game, reported by Ned Landon of Schenectady, N.Y.
"It's got to be an exciting place with all the high-stake games and chances to win big."
Humans engage in very similar high-stake games with the planet itself.
One such player is Jeff Westheimer, who came very close to winning a bronze medal in the World Open Pairs Championship in 1970, retired from competition soon after and now plays in a high-stake game at the long-established Regency Whist Club, 15 East 67th Street in Manhattan.