She had always tried to stifle this fondness and break off his associations with the harbor fishermen, who liked to lure the high-spirited boy out with them on fishing expeditions.
He was later introduced to Monsignor Alfonso de Cartagena, Bishop of Burgos (1435-1456), who took a fancy to the bright, high-spirited boy.
A recent day began with a high-spirited boy careering into a wooden partition separating the classrooms, nearly toppling the structure onto a teacher, Cheri Bloom, and a table of six students.
There is a brief mention of Jerry Lee's first two wives, but the conceit of "Great Balls of Fire" is that he is a high-spirited boy.
Charles, her beloved, her darling, her handsome merry high-spirited boy.
A rousing song, sung mainly at the end of term, usually with high-spirited boys placing particular emphasis on the line "some to failure, SOME TO FAME!"
In that rough environment he had grown up with his four strap- ping brothers and strapping father, who strapped them all quite well when they got out of line, as high-spirited boys ever will.
Far from being an incorrigible brat, he was simply a high-spirited boy.
And the handsome, merry, high-spirited boy whom he had loved was dead; some strange evil thing had come and devoured him and taken possession of his body and made use of his name.
Her understanding love was the greatest influence in the early life of the excitable, high-spirited and sometimes wayward boy.