This characteristic has made the inline six popular in some European sports-luxury cars, where smooth high-speed performance and good fuel economy are desirable.
However, this increase in high-speed performance came with a trade-off - the planes were not very effective or efficient at lower speeds.
The engine capacity has been expanded to 660 cc (in 1990) to aid high-speed performance and the increased weight of new safety equipment.
Lately, said Eklund, he has achieved the sort of high-speed performance that first attracted the Flyers.
This all happened during 1926, with high-speed performance as the primary goal.
The H.V.40 flew well but had poor high-speed performance and was only used for a number of training flights.
This characteristic has made the straight-six popular in some European sports-luxury cars, where smooth high-speed performance is very desirable.
In 1965 Lowrance introduced the first sonars and transducers capable of high-speed performance.
Obviously the forcing resistance is one of the fundamental factors influencing high-speed performance so this relationship is given further consideration in the next section.
This car features a unique rear-end appearance and smooth high-speed performance.