That strategy is called "fiber to the node" because it brings high-speed fiber optic cables within 4,000 feet of individual homes.
Will the Internet rush of the 1990's bear similar fruit, an information infrastructure of high-speed fiber optic lines?
Tacoma also promotes its $100 million high-speed fiber optic network.
Thirty additional sound studios on the main floor are equipped with the latest digital recorders and linked through high-speed fiber optic cables.
As part of the agreement @Home's national high-speed fiber network access would be sold back to AT&T for $307 million in cash.
As part of the agreement, @Home's national high-speed fiber network access would be sold back to AT&T Corporation.
The organization first felt the financial swell on its Web site and phone lines, requiring it to add six new high-speed, high-volume fiber optic lines.
The new venture, to be called Hutchison Global Crossing, will build a high-speed fiber optic voice and data network.
If, in the future, homes are linked by high-speed optical fibers, digital television sets will be able to evolve smoothly from passive viewing boxes to tools.
Now several companies want to use the space between buildings to solve a common problem in congested cities: getting quick access to high-speed fiber optic cables.