The organization also offers counseling services and prevention programs, such as initiatives aimed at assisting high-risk youth and their families through partnerships with local schools.
Community day schools serve mandatory and other expelled students, students referred by a School Attendance Review Board, and other high-risk youths.
They include a nearly four-year extension of a tax credit for hiring people from such underemployed groups as high-risk youth.
The project targets more than 150 gang-involved and high-risk youth.
Controlled experiments with high-risk youth show that prevention programs can reduce the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco by 500 percent.
Wild Brumbies are used in Brumby training camps by organisations that promote positive interaction between troubled, high-risk youths.
The staff has demonstrated success in reaching out to low-income, high-risk youth about the opportunities that exist on the Internet.
Mr. Kirby said the Carrera program had proved an important success with high-risk youth.
Black churches, in strategic collaboration with schools and law enforcement agencies, are reaching out to high-risk youths who normally fall through the cracks.
In the summer of 2008, he moved it to a maximum-security juvenile detention facility in Albuquerque, in order to scan high-risk youths.