In New York State, directories of high-risk offenders are available to anyone at local police stations.
Officers conduct unannounced field visits, fourth waiver searches, and arrests of dangerous high-risk offenders.
In cases of high-risk offenders, the police may release all of the above information as well as the offender's name and address.
For high-risk offenders, these establishments may get warnings, as well as schoolchildren and their parents and immediate neighbors.
The prison's overall mission is to ensure the safety of the public, departmental employees and inmates by managing high-risk male offenders.
Parents, members of parent-teacher organizations and high school students can be told only of high-risk offenders living or working near a school.
Police departments will also be allowed to disseminate information on high-risk offenders through, say, leaflets or news releases.
In New Jersey, the authorities are obligated to notify both neighbors and schools about high-risk offenders.
Of those, 2,695 were classified as high-risk offenders before the injunction.
The names of 17 high-risk offenders on the new "sexually violent predator subdirectory" were released to police departments recently and thus are publicly available.