Dental sealants are cost-effective only when applied to high-risk children and teeth.
The search for physiological, psychological, social, biochemical or other markers which will facilitate the identification of high-risk children with some accuracy needs to continue.
We've moved many of the high-risk children to new homes, and started doing background checks on everyone that came in contact with the placing information.
Instead, it offers research and educational resources to help parents and professionals who serve at-risk and high-risk children.
Dr. Frogel said that he gave it to 269 high-risk children last year and that so far none have shown symptoms of the infection.
It is clear that the department has a role to help improve outcomes for these high-risk children whose parents are incarcerated.
Noam has also followed a large group of high-risk children into adulthood in a longitudinal study that explores clinical, educational, and occupational outcomes.
To prevent type 1 diabetes in high-risk children: Sustained-release niacinamide 1.2 grams/m2 (body surface area) per day.
Mrs. Blue's job is keeping high-risk children in high school.
Why is each caseworker in Child Protective Services responsible for 20, 25, 30 or 35 high-risk children?