It presents high-resolution video on suspended globe rather than a flat screen, with the aim of better representing global phenomena.
The company says that translates into enough storage for hundreds of digital photos, dozens of electronic books and an hour of high-resolution video.
He is particularly interested in using high-resolution video for the simultaneous production of video and stills.
A four-gigabyte drive is included in the price and can capture 60 minutes of high-resolution video or 1,800 five-megapixel stills.
The new Nvidia chip will have 128 processors intended for specific functions, including displaying high-resolution video.
Many of his books have been made into high-resolution videos which are freely downloadable on the Internet.
The exhibit for each country features a high-resolution video showing local musicians performing on native instruments.
The sixth-generation chip will be able to run computers with true multimedia capabilities, like the ability to show high-resolution video.
They are able to transmit high-resolution video to military stations across the globe.
It's hard to go from computer graphics to this high-resolution video.