It's possible to win power inside the Wheel, a high-ranking position.
During the final years of the war, he served in other high-ranking positions.
Many of these individuals have subsequently gone on to hold high-ranking and influential positions in the music industry.
Each country is ruled by a king with its jewsts often having a high-ranking position.
He had a remarkable career and held various high-ranking positions during his lifetime.
She researched for her role by taking advice from a female officer in a similar high-ranking position as Grant is.
"I certainly discussed it with others in high-ranking positions such as the chief of staff."
The majority of those who died held high-ranking positions within the state.
He is the first person of Jewish origin to be elected to such a high-ranking position.
Ultimately, he would like to run for office, or be appointed to a high-ranking position in a Republican administration.