That such an initiative would come from high-ranking, hawkish Republicans is extraordinary, and the White House is not happy about it.
Throughout the Reagan and Bush years, Democrats were upset when businesses and lobbying firms hired the relatives of high-ranking Republicans.
A high-ranking Republican who asked not to be identified said the Rinfret candidacy is "all very fragile; it could come apart."
The senators questioning Mr. Sampson pointed to a troubling pattern: many of the fired prosecutors were investigating high-ranking Republicans.
A chorus of high-ranking Republicans in Congress also shot back, with a barrage of accusations that Mr. Daschle wanted to raise taxes by repealing tax cuts.
But instead of referring the measure to a committee, the House delegated its version of the bill to an ad hoc task force of eight high-ranking Republicans and Democrats.
Many high-ranking Republicans had been involved in the B.P.A. deal, including Mr. Gulotta's former chief deputy, Robert J. MacDonald.
When I recently asked another high-ranking Republican what he thought about the Ryan plan, however, he replied, "Paul is very thoughtful."
Some Democrats have asserted that high-ranking Republicans, including perhaps even the Governor and his staff, have been working behind the scenes to scuttle the bill.
The Nader group asked the committee to hire outside counsels to investigate the charges against the two high-ranking Republicans.