By 1980 daisy wheel printers had become the dominant technology for high-quality print.
All four sites sent high-quality prints, as good as what I get from my local photo store.
The Library asks the copyright owner of each film to donate a high-quality print or negative to be stored in the archives.
Using an innovative print-making technology, he turned the assemblages into high-quality prints.
Nearly all cameras now provide five megapixels - enough for high-quality prints of at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches.
He also subcontracts high-quality prints on canvas at prices beginning at $40.
A photographer's reputation is built squarely on the ability to deliver high-quality prints - on time.
You can still send the film off to the manufacturer's lab in a mailer and, weeks later, get back high-quality prints.
In 2011, a project was launched to create high-quality print and audio versions of the Goldberg Variations.
For example, laser printers give a quick and high-quality print but use the most energy.