Mr. Bush's manner was more casual and folksy than normal for such a high-profile speech, and he appeared to be consulting note cards, not a prepared text.
The New York Governor's decision to give the high-profile speech signified a mutually beneficial rapprochement between two men who have had more than their share of personal and political conflict in recent years.
Over the next six weeks, in a series of high-profile speeches that vaulted him onto the front page and the evening news, the Vice President declared war on what he calls the "cultural elites."
First, a series of high-profile speeches dutifully affirms the importance of continued U.S. leadership and international engagement.
So, despite the pleas of his New Hampshire organization, Gore tended to give high-profile speeches rather than chat in crammed living rooms.
Johnson's tenure as General Counsel was also notable for several high-profile speeches he gave on national security.
The statistics will provide ammunition for a high-profile speech on crime the Conservative leader, Michael Howard, is planning to give tomorrow in Middlesbrough.
He is scheduled to meet with Republicans next week on Capitol Hill and deliver a high-profile political speech next month in California.
But the event of the night was the nationally televised homecoming for Mrs. Clinton, who at first appeared nervous as she began her most high-profile political speech ever.
Asked about instances where he has increasingly assigned high-profile speeches to Gore, Clinton makes clear that he is still running the show.