Despite his high-profile roles, he was believed to not have been fully trusted by Saddam.
She assumed those responsibilities on June 1, 2007, following several high-profile roles for the company.
It was a side effect she hadn't much considered before landing three high-profile roles at once.
Through taking on numerous other high-profile roles, he eventually became the second or third most powerful man in Hungary.
This airport played a high-profile role during the Katanga war.
Both cars have had high-profile roles on the national racing stage.
"But they want her to negotiate some kind of social compact that would give them a well-defined, high-profile role in future decision making."
But his past firms did not have high-profile roles in shaping public policy on a contentious national issue.
In 2005, he resigned his high-profile role as the leader of the National Front.
A significant number of the creative staff moved on to high-profile roles in motion picture and animation production.