"Look at what I've done on high-profile issues like campaign finance reform that took us eight years to get through."
Still, with college tuition such a high-profile issue, one might have expected labor-saving improvements in education over time.
Consider some high-profile issues on which college students have begged their universities to take a stand.
But on a number of high-profile issues, he has alienated powerful Republican constituencies.
She is a quiet leader, preferring to let other senators take the lead on high-profile issues.
Q. Do you wish though that maybe you had made it a more high-profile issue?
Speicher's possible situation became a more high-profile issue in the build-up to war.
She attributes her sudden fame to the news media's need to find a "focal point" on certain high-profile issues like the Iraq war.
During his first Congressional election campaign, term limits were a high-profile issue.
In doing so, our position on some high-profile issues has evolved.