Almost all the high-priced wines around the world are produced in small amounts.
Bear in mind that these figures do not represent sales in wine shops and liquor stores where, presumably, more high-priced wines are sold.
Wine sales have been dwindling in this country throughout the 1980's, but high-priced wines do better each year.
Maxim's wine list is top heavy with prestigious high-priced wines, although there are some relative values to be had.
Wine: Many fine high-priced wines but also a decent selection under $25.
Indeed, like so many of the very high-priced wines, much of it will be drunk by people who care little about its taste.
And indeed, these rare, high-priced wines probably should be left to the connoisseurs.
Any bistros with mostly high-priced wines is hardly living up to the bistro spirit.
If it is true that the consumer is beginning to look for alternatives to high-priced wines, restaurateurs should pay heed.
Besides, to restaurant owners it's too tempting to take big markups while the market for high-priced wines lasts.