The superheated water flows through an insulated high-pressure pipeline to a turbine plant that generates 75 percent of the town's electricity.
The gas industry has said that regulations requiring the valves are not necessary, citing gas companies' good safety records and the fact that most high-pressure pipelines run through rural or undeveloped areas.
At Brooklyn Union Gas, a spokesman, Robert Mahony, said there were no plans to install remote shutoff valves along the company's 79 miles of high-pressure pipelines.
Obstacles include the limited number of suitable locations and the need for high-pressure pipelines between the surface and the containers.
This pressure is higher than most standard pipelines worldwide and will increase the chance of pipe leak and corrosion, though other such high-pressure pipelines have been successfully run in Germany, for example.
The federal commission approved the high-pressure pipeline in December despite fierce opposition from many Westchester officials and residents who said it would cause pollution and environmental damage, and pose a safety threat.
It is believed the gas was escaping from a high-pressure underground pipeline conveying natural gas from Zeebrugge to France, operated by gas transportation company Fluxys.
They were driven back after a fierce gun battle, but the attacks damaged high-pressure pipelines at the purification plant, which was closed for fear of leaks of poisonous gas.
The gas is also distributed through high-pressure pipelines for industrial and domestic use around the North Island.
But Con Edison has said that because high-pressure pipelines have been on warning lists as possible terrorist targets, they are reluctant to do so.