Their wooden structures were poor radar reflectors, and absent the presence of a high-powered beam, neither one was probably evident on any surface radar.
A really high-powered nasen beam could of course strike from that range, but not with precision.
The power needed to project a high-powered beam of this kind surpasses the production capabilities of any standard battlefield powerplant, thus such weapons are not anticipated to be produced in the foreseeable future.
Wire went by the mile down to the turret, and men proceeded to blow out half of the meters in the station with the high-powered beam.
They stop at farms, probe the corrals and laborers' quarters with high-powered beams, stop and question anyone they regard as suspicious.
While firing the laser, the ship unleashes a high-powered beam instead, which does more damage at the cost of range.
A fire truck was used to generate a high-powered beam to light the area.
A relatively high-powered beam of light is mixed with the input signal using a wavelength selective coupler.
The ADS works by firing a high-powered beam of 95 GHz extremely high frequency waves at a target, which corresponds to a wavelength of 3.2 mm.
Three strategically placed spotlights glared into the night, high-powered beams slicing through the ribbons of rain.