Vacuum tubes for high-power applications often required custom socket designs.
However, for most industrial and high-power applications, three-phase rectifier circuits are the norm.
Can be used in high-power and high-current applications where equivalent components of other cases may be susceptible to damage.
Due to their simplicity and economy, hot bulb engines were popular for high-power applications until the diesel engine took their place from the 1920s.
A popular application is in broadband inductors, especially in high-power applications.
They are best suited to high-power applications.
Klystron tube technologies for very high-power applications, such as synchrotrons and radar systems, have since been developed.
Not suitable for high-power applications outside of lighting, unless designed to recharge an on-board battery.
Also waveguide (electromagnetism), used for high-power applications, is considered as wired line.
This restricted their use for high-power applications.