And he was someone who was a fairly high-level manager who gave me a lot of insight about the company, the corporate culture.
This approach has been criticised because it restricts corporate liability to the acts of directors and a few high-level managers.
But the majority of options are still awarded to a small number of high-level managers.
One of the first complainants, Veronica Saunders, who supervised passenger service, took her complaints to three high-level managers.
While Mayor Moran's search for high-level managers beyond the city's borders was an encouraging sign to the state monitors, management problems persist, they say.
Most had worked for the same employer for the last 25 to 30 years in jobs ranging from those as high-level managers to administrative assistants.
Workers in Guangzhou recently went to court to fight their company's decision to appoint a high-level manager as the head of the union.
The record shows that the scandals have been caused by Reagan-era political appointees, high-level managers and outside contractors.
Outplacement, which originally provided help for high-level managers on an individual basis, has in recent years been offered to less senior employees.
Responsibility for your training strategy should be with a high-level manager, such as a director or owner.