I suspect the weapon is also photosensitized to detonate under a high-intensity beam of light.
Adjusting the setting on his phaser, he directed a high-intensity beam against the sturdy metal doors.
He was met by a high-intensity beam.
He had walked right through a high-intensity beam.
A high-intensity beam of light is aimed into the angle and onto the meshwork inside your eye.
He set the phaser to a narrow, high-intensity beam, full disintegrate, and aimed at the lock.
They struck two of the blinded men sitting on the trail; their bodies exploded as the high-intensity beams tore into them.
But even a high-intensity beam couldn't make it loosen its hold on Spock.
He pulled it to him and switched on the second high-intensity beam.
A helicopter was spraying high-intensity beams on the rooftops and trees.