Many experts said that, based on very rough estimates, they expected this high-income group to pay as much as an additional $3 billion over the next five years.
So, in a sense, the high-income group in the city also creates this low-income group.
The model applies to labor-saving and capital-using products that (at least at first) cater to high-income groups.
Immigrants tend to cluster in low- and high-income groups.
There may well be a tendency for zoning on the part of high-income groups in order to exclude the poor.
Otherwise, inequality can become self-perpetuating: if only high-income people can educate their children, then that group remains a privileged, high-income group permanently.
For low-income families, the urban consumer price index rose from 203 in 1980 to 733 in 1986; for the high-income group the figures were respectively 189 and 644.
The central town, established exclusively "white" before 1976, has since been occupied largely by black high-income groups.
But the magazine would also like to attract the kind of upscale consumer-goods advertiser that wants to make a pitch to a high-income group.
"Because of all these instruments that are becoming available, the effective capital gains tax rate is fairly low among the very high-income groups."