He paid just $24 million, the plant's value in scrap, but it can make high-grade steel for autos, one of China's strategic frontiers.
Each was 2 1/2" tall, and included 98 coils of high-grade blue-black Swedish steel.
In their cookware, a high-grade stainless steel, the water tasted fine.
The giant chute is manufactured from high-grade steel and it can see from the inside into the outside.
They needed a lot of charcoal to cook with the iron to make high-grade steel.
In its solid form, it is colorless, shiny, and resembles high-grade steel or titanium.
For the CZ 550 series the action system is machined out of high-grade steel.
Suppose a firm mines iron ore and converts it into 200 worth of high-grade steel, which is then sold to a car producer.
He noted nuclear power plants are held back because of supply chain issues, including the high-grade steel needed to build them.
The hood, control panel, cabinet doors, front handle and side towel bars are all made from high-grade stainless steel.