The Kanati Co. line is known for its use of high-grade materials, Aboriginal influence and elite status.
The company was "known for making and selling gentlemen's fine shoes from high-grade materials, craftsmen cut, sewed and formed shoes by hand."
Trigger sprayers, multisetting watering wands and telescoping watering wands are made from equally high-grade materials.
Both use high-grade materials and have fewer seams and joints.
Montgolfière balloons are relatively inexpensive as they do not require high-grade materials for their envelopes, and they are popular for balloonist sport activity.
Although commonplace today, the process of manufacture of such high-grade material in the 18th century still remains a mystery.
The cabin scored additional points for its soft-touch, high-grade materials, at least for front-seat occupants.
The wigs are taking longer because he's got to target the manufacturer, and he says there's about two hundred who use that high-grade human material - then hit the brand, then the product name.
Styling mimics more expensive Audis, and though the interior is less opulent, it's solidly assembled from high-grade materials.
A search of the hold turned up four pounds of high-grade fissionable material, still in its Russian- marked, lead-lined safety container.