But high-end businesses are apparently having little difficulty recruiting, despite high living costs.
Stephen and Gabrielle got a number of discounts, but not at the high-end businesses specified by the task brief.
However, as the population of Kampala has exploded in the 1990s and early 2000s, high-end businesses have moved into the area and raised its profile.
"It brings up the whole area," Mr. Nelson said of the high-end new businesses.
(Some of these owners, whose high-end businesses employ skilled workers, paid more than $8.50 to begin with.)
She said she was busy all summer with "high-end business, significant money, willing to buy $5 million to $10 million pictures."
The high-end business is probably, at retail, about $25 million, he says pleasantly.
"The high-end businesses are more likely to command full prices," he said.
Independent bakeries, coffee shops, and other small high-end businesses.
Many merchants reported an increase in high-end business.