A wide range of high-end applications have been suggested:
SageGlass has been installed in commercial, institutional and high-end residential applications, including:
For high-end applications however, water timers sometimes allow more flexibility and more options.
"These systems are excellent solutions for high-end applications in the financial, visual computing, and scientific and technical worlds."
In today's digital page-layout software, high-end applications all use relative measurements proportional to the size of the type.
Film, however, is where drum scanners continue to be the tool of choice for high-end applications.
Until the 1990's, new technologies tended to trickle down from advanced military and high-end corporate applications.
"But because there are so many people using the Internet today, it is clogged up and unable to support these high-end applications."
The CCD is used for high-end and special applications such as space and military technologies.
These systems are generally used in the offshore oil & gas sector and other high-end applications.