This has led to an increase in land values such that medium- and high-density development is occurring closer to the core.
The revised plan for the two sites demonstrates the changes over the last decade in market conditions, consumer preferences and community views of high-density development.
The state is aggressively promoting transit villages, using the designation to encourage high-density development.
Affordable housing, by its very nature, implies high-density development.
The resolution, if approved, would override a 1961 zoning law permitting limited high-density development on the side streets.
The Planning Board decided this area is the most desirable for high-density commercial and residential development.
Goshen has wanted to remain a rural community, and rural does not mean high-density development.
They should oppose high-density development unless it's downtown, near existing roads and sewers.
More than 1,100 residents have signed a petition opposing high-density development at the site.
There is no reason that cities must choose between high-density development and other public goods like open space, parking and municipal services.