The eastward-pointing gate building is the only structure of the palace whose wall area is fashioned in high-contrast colours; the exterior walls are cased with red bricks, the court fronts with yellow limestone.
The combination of the high-contrast colors, sharp edges and centered, mandalalike compositions packs significant visual punch, while echoes of Mondrian and the hard-edged geometric painting of the 1960's add art historical resonance.
Mix these high-contrast colors softly, with "muted shades of red, white and blue," said Renny Reynolds, whose shop, Renny, is on the Upper East Side.
Using a wide brush and saturated, high-contrast colors, she crisply defined bottles, cookware and vegetables arranged like landscape elements on tabletops.
Mark the areas around stairways and ramps with paint or tape, preferably with a high-contrast color such as dark tape on light carpeting.
The sheets underneath the bedspread either would match the rest perfecdy, or would be some high-contrast color.
Painted in intense high-contrast colors, the whorls seem to balloon into three-dimensional space and push against the rectangular edges of the canvases, threatening to explode from the confines of pictorial space.
Undulating, striated ribbons in high-contrast colors fill the canvases, seeming to balloon into three-dimensional space and threatening to burst the rectangular edges of the picture.
He painted the resulting reliefs in saturated, high-contrast colors, producing zany, optically electric, near-abstract mandalas with subliminal messages that added hints of hallucinogen-induced paranoia.
Dominiques exhibit a softer contrast of "not quite black on not quite white", while Barred Rocks exhibit a high-contrast black-on-white color.