The company's East Berlin plant, a jumble of dark, high-ceilinged, grime-covered buildings, is the world leader in producing gear-grinding machines.
Acres of parking lots marked by color-coded signs surround a large, high-ceilinged building of tan bricks and glass.
Even on the hottest day, you'll instantly feel cooled by the Biltmore Block, the precast concrete blocks of the high-ceilinged main building.
The high-ceilinged building was cool, with what breeze there was entering at the ventilating slats at the top.
The floor of this high-ceilinged, octagonal building still has its original glazed tiles.
This reluctance is undoubtedly helping to sustain prices, which range up to $200,000 for a six- or seven-room downtown apartment in an older, high-ceilinged building.
The most acclaimed was his Collector's House, a high-ceilinged building with a grand salon, a dining room, a boudoir, an office, a bedroom and a bath.
One of the nicest restaurants here is the Dome, in a vast, high-ceilinged building that used to be a mortuary, then a bank.
As I entered the high-ceilinged building in May, I tripped over a stack of books.
The loudspeaker was designed for permanent installation in high-ceilinged buildings such as exhibition centers and airports.