In that case, there was little high-card strength left for West, who had opened the bidding and doubled.
West should realize that the double cannot be based on high-card strength.
He jumped to six clubs with the thought that North's high-card strength was likely to be in the red suits.
He quickly reached four hearts, and knew from the bidding that the high-card strength was on his right.
This showed some high-card strength and induced South to continue to five clubs.
But he had the advantage of knowing that all the missing high-card strength was on his right.
Both his opponents had shown limited high-card strength, so there was little risk.
He knew from the bidding that most of the missing high-card strength was on his left.
It requests partner to take positive action with high-card strength outside that suit.
He began with the knowledge that nearly all the missing high-card strength was on his right.