In the business market, it would generally preserve rivals' rights to lease high-capacity lines at discounted rates.
But phone systems are being converted to high-capacity digital lines in which the human voice is converted into numbers.
Such high-capacity lines are essential for installing large numbers of neighborhood telephone lines that work.
In particular, it preserved some discounted wholesale rates covering high-capacity lines that are used primarily by businesses.
But tapping a high-capacity line could allow access to thousands of conversations.
Therefore, they said, all possible care should be taken to protect such major phone switches and high-capacity lines from accidents.
Although it is a high-capacity line, only 1 train set (3 cars) is currently being used.
The high-capacity lines remain connected to the Long Island power grid.
These systems could easily evolve into interactive computers once high-capacity fiber-optic lines reach individual homes early in the next century.
Long-distance costs have declined and there has been a proliferation of services, particularly high-capacity lines for transmission of computer data.