Consumption of snack foods continues to rise, with new high-calorie snacks luring consumers away from more nutritious and lower calorie alternatives like fruit or yogurt.
There are several variations of the plan - replace all food, one or more meals, or just as a replacement for high-calorie snacks.
Unlike tobacco, fast food and high-calorie snacks are not addictive.
If the household must stock high-calorie snacks, they should be kept out of sight.
Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal or nibble on high-calorie snacks to stave off hunger.
How do you prevent him from using his spending money to buy high-calorie snacks?
If you need to gain weight, keep high-calorie healthy snacks handy.
Yet all of these high-calorie snacks can cause weight gain.
Coffee, Pete's favorite tea, and high-calorie snacks already stored.
There are two tiny bars serving overpriced drinks and high-calorie snacks, each bar dominated by a television permanently tuned to the sports channel.