At least a hundred people were milling about, sitting on the high-backed wooden benches or standing in groups, talking.
He was sprawled on a high-backed bench by the window and was carefully re-tying the thong that held his ragged left sleeve in place.
Apparently used to this arrangement, Vii settled into one of the high-backed benches against the wall.
Two high-backed benches, from the Brimfield, Mass., flea market, were meant for his store, but found a home in his kitchen.
The audience chamber was flanked on either side by tier upon tier of high-backed benches.
Above left, a high-backed built-in bench, which the firm designed for the student-admissions area.
They moved to the fireside, Andrew on one of the high-backed benches, Ellemir in a low chair.
His accomplice must have stolen up very softly; a leering face and a burlap-wrapped arm and torso appeared around the edge of the high-backed bench.
He reached the high-backed bench and dragged it across t he dirty floor to a place immediately next to the fire.
Around it stood four high-backed, curved benches.