Most rescues are carried out on foot because helicopters cannot fly to the high-altitude areas where hikers are stranded.
These high-altitude areas are covered by cloud most days of the year and have very high humidity.
Some vestiges of these remain today, especially in high-altitude areas.
Athletes who live in high-altitude areas have also found creative ways to simulate the lower altitudes they need for training.
Four-cylinder engines and the 3.2 liter V-6 were not available in high-altitude areas.
It has undergone large declines in high-altitude areas (likely from chytridiomycosis), with many populations completely extinct.
The high-altitude areas contain Australia's only native species of rhododendron.
Plants from the high-altitude areas are more robust and usually have a fire-scarred base.
Quartz crystals can often be found in mountains and high-altitude areas.
He remembers well the problems of getting the pillows to float properly in high-altitude areas on a 1968 South American tour.