Otherwise there will be a vicious jolt as the higher wheel falls to the runway at the stall.
It was an old-fashioned kind of caravan, not very big, and with high wheels.
Even the wheel, quite a deal higher than the waist, was covered and swept again and again.
There was just room for a slim princess to walk between the high rear wheel and the greasy black stones.
Again fire spat at the ground, this time from the side of the ground car It balanced itself precariously on the four high wheels.
It balanced itself precariously on the four high wheels.
Many many years ago there rolled a baby carriage on four high wheels.
To one side and empty stands the baby carriage on four high wheels.
Called high wheels, they were used as log carriers in the early days of high desert logging.
I always liked to go in the dog-cart, it was so light and the high wheels ran along so pleasantly.