These heavier energies will be replaced with the lighter and higher vibrations of the Christ golden light.
Belinda put an arm around the woman's shoulders and was frightened by the steady high vibration she felt.
Then when I read for my clients, I worked from a very high vibration of love.
As sensitivity depends upon angle, they are unsuitable for use on mobile equipment or with conditions of high vibration.
In general, fire is a powerful transformative energy, a swift, subtle, connective force of high vibration.
It results in high temperature, high vibration and leads to flow reversal.
He predicted that the world would go through a fundamental change on 12 December 2012 and "move to a higher vibration".
Regular exposure to high vibrations can be dangerous.
There was a high vibration in his skull that reassured him.
The electronic systems are hardened for higher vibration, thermal and acoustic effects.