However, this source is subject to seasonal high turbidity and also interruptions due to the annual maintenance of the generator units.
Water with high turbidity looks dirty due to sand, silt and clay floating in the water.
Saugers, however, are usually smaller and will better tolerate waters of higher turbidity than the walleye.
Saugers are usually found in areas with high turbidity, low channel slope, low stream velocity, and deep water.
Harmful bacteria levels and high turbidity are the two most serious problems.
The silty bottom of the gulf also contributes to the high turbidity.
This species is vulnerable to poor water quality and high turbidity, particularly in agricultural areas.
The silt has filled stream pools and caused higher turbidity, which has harmed fish.
For many mangrove areas, high turbidity is needed to support certain species, such as to protect juvenile fish from predators.
We found some plants did best in high turbidity.