A major will also be a staff officer / action officer on higher staffs and headquarters.
It is the most expensive sales channel as it demands higher staff and premises costs.
Despite their high staff turnover DPR had little to fear from former employees.
It is one of Britain's largest state schools for children with autism, and has a high staff to student ratio.
General officers and officers on higher staffs wore trousers of the same shade of blue as the coat.
Holding Amairgen's staff high in the air, he looked up at Owein and the seven kings.
In the former, the highest staffs of both sides planned and organized these actions and gave orders to the lower level.
There was an urgent need to recruit high calibre staff to establish the 37 departments that had been proposed to take off in the second session.
Dynamic security uses high staff to prisoner ratios and allows for relative freedom of movement.
Despite the important sounding title and a "high powered staff", the job was a sinecure.