It answers SAT questions by selecting the choice with the highest relational similarity.
The Bagri language has a very high 65% lexical similarity with Haryanvi.
Lipocalins are known to have very low sequence similarity with high structural similarity.
For example, if the proximities are similarities, links will generally connect nodes of high similarity.
A very high similarity in the evolution of city size distributions in Ukraine and Poland was discovered.
Still, high similarity between p and m is indicated by a small Euclidean distance.
Furthermore, the highest similarity is in the last 76 amino acids (89% homology) of both proteins.
These rules test for similarity between the word in focus and its neighbours, the highest similarity indicating the correct sense.
A region of high similarity was found in the pufferfish gene in a location expected for exon 1b.
Short terminal branches for these stages indicated a high similarity of their gene-expression profiles.