A scarp nearly 100 meters high fell off sharply on that side of the peninsula.
It measures 28.3m by 21m within the inner rampart, which varies from a low bank 3.4m thick and 0.5m high, to a scarp up to 2.3m high externally.
At the far end of the valley she followed the stream around the edge of the high scarp as it swung south.
It forms a 17m high scarp falls, Pheruaghaugh, at the southern margin of the Ranchi plateau.
Close on the right a scarp four kilometers high, hundreds of kilometers long, loomed like a wall across the world.
Nearly a kilometer below them, at the bottom of the high sheer scarp, waves lapped against a shoreline of black sand and flat black rocks.
A high scarp lay at the northwestern end of the lake, and from it I could see the Bright Demesne across the waters.
Verinag spring which is in Verinag town issues from a high scarp of a mountain spur, and is considered the source of the river Jhelum.
Mountains rose on either side in high scarps, some topped with perpetual snow, glaciers curling down from them.
Daylight lunged over the high scarp and plunged her up to her eyes in a bleak landscape stretching beneath a washed blue sky.