Wednesdays, I took the higher route.
On high routes climbers are connected to safety ropes.
Guenhwyvar also started off, picking a higher route than Drizzt along the cliff face.
We set out ere midday, taking the high trails and shorter routes known to the Siovalese.
Here the official road had swung out into what was now the course of the deluge, and they had to find a higher route.
It allows you to alternate between a high and low route and it's easy to extend the walk or take short cuts.
Compared to the previous day this is a short walk whether you choose the high or low route.
In 1852 the decision finally fell in favour of the higher route after expert opinion and studies had been conducted in the spring.
Each has high and low routes, multiple entry points, numerous ways to gain the advantage or to be completely overwhelmed by a more skilled team.
This is the classic high route in the Dolomites, and also the easiest.