The high quality coal with low level of mineral contaminants means it can demand premium prices on world markets.
The existence of high quality semi-bituminous coal in the Broad Top Mountain region was known since colonial times.
In 1864, seams of high quality coal were discovered in nearby foothills, but it would be two decades before mining would begin.
When the mine reaches full capacity (expected in 2013), it will produce up to 12.2 million tonnes of high quality thermal coal.
It produces up to 8 million tonnes of high quality coking coal used in steel production.
It has a total estimated resource of 6.4 billion tonnes, one quarter of which is high quality coking coal.
The first coal rose in 1912, which proved to be high quality steam coal.
Niger's known coal reserves, with low energy and high ash content, cannot compete against higher quality coal on the world market.
More important was the coal mining, which provided high quality coal, principally used in forges.
Her steam engine was fuelled by high quality anthracite coal imported from the United Kingdom.