The allure of pharmaceuticals has always been their extremely high profitability.
Its ability to constantly reduce interest rates and focus on efficiency has led to its high profitability.
This indicates that women were given credit as equal partners with their husbands for a high profitability.
By 1987, Sammy's goal was no longer to show higher profitability, but rather to cover up previous frauds.
It also estimated that next year hotels will achieve their highest profitability in 35 years.
Throughout the 1960s Facit experienced an increased growth and a high profitability.
Our challenge is to turn strong order growth into higher profitability.
And do business units with the more complete set of innovative technologies have higher profitability?
Furthermore, production was automated, which resulted in a higher profitability.
National can now show a greater growth rate and higher profitability, they said.