Mr. Bennett warned of exceptionally low or high pricing.
Outside the United States, its operating income rose 8 percent, to $1.6 billion, because of higher pricing, lower costs and favorable currency exchange rates.
The high pricing of premium product is used to enhance and reinforce a product's luxury image.
One possibility: something about doing business with Iraq limits the field of sellers and makes possible the high pricing.
Walnut oil is edible and is generally used less than other oils in food preparation, often due to high pricing.
A large proportion of the payments was made to 11 hospitals, many in California, where higher pricing played a particularly important role.
"But to the degree there's less competition, and higher pricing, it's not a pretty thing."
Other Western states also have relatively high pricing.
The higher pricing and smaller market segment meant a resulting decrease in sales.
We think it's because people are talking about cold winter as well as higher pricing.