She found a high rocky outcropping, climbed to the top, and sat down.
Huge towers rose over the outcropping nearly as high as the central citadel, itself standing on a formidable, rocky eminence.
It twisted and turned as it wove upward around high outcroppings of rock.
There was only a narrow opening between a high outcropping on the shore and the end of the sheltering arm.
Half in the shadow of a high outcropping of gray rock, a litter of bones stretched for fifty yards along the ground.
Drizzt watched him go, but his gaze was inevitably drawn back up to the high outcropping, to the lone figure of Catti-brie.
John Rowlands looked at him for a moment, then got up and beckoned him over to a high outcropping of rock a little way up the mountain.
Finally, the halfling spotted a high outcropping, a branchlike jag of rock.
We'd been no more than an hour upon the road when we saw them, coming around a high outcropping.
On a high outcropping of white rock, a lion stood majestically to watch their progress.